Intuition, Love, Meditations for You!, Reflexology, Relaxation & Meditation, Self Care, Spirituality, The Science of Happiness
Listen to Your Heart – For these Benefits
Heart as the Center of the Seat of Consciousness You probably often hear “Listen to your heart.” How often do you really do this, and what does the really mean? Shouldn’t we be rational and not too overly emotional? If I’m listening to my heart does that mean I’m not listening to another part of myself? When I was learning meditation, energy healing, and developing my intuitive abilites one of the constant themes was “getting out of the head,” and into the heart or the intuitive self. A few practices I was given were to directly bring my attention to and into my heart, and another was to develop the…
Holistic Health, Meditations for You!, Mind-Body Connection, Prevention, Relaxation & Meditation, Self Care, Spirituality
The Power of Meditation
“The Power of Meditation: This practice of focused attention can reduce pain and stress while enhancing health and healing” This article was originally published on ADVANCE for OT Practitioners October 1, 2015 by Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L Meditation is the practice of focused attention that can help calm the mind and body, returning it to a homeostatic balance. It can regulate emotions, lower pain and stress, ease depression and insomnia, create clearer awareness and insight, improve spirituality, compassion, and quality of life, and has many health benefits. Modern science has caught up to what Eastern philosophies and many spiritual traditions have known and practiced for thousands of years.1 A nationwide survey…
Intention, Manifestation, Meditations for You!, Positive & Negative, Prevention, Self Care, Spirituality, The Science of Happiness
Rumi Love
Announcements, De-Stress, Emotional Healing, Holistic Health, Meditations for You!, Prevention, Relaxation & Meditation, Self Care, Spirituality
Happy Halloween! Keep Away Worry with Meditation
Today we attempt to scare the bad spirits away with spooky attire and surroundings. How do you tend to keep the negative spirits away? The negative thoughts and worry? Join me for regular relaxation, meditation, and peaceful time beginning in November. I will be announcing dates in the next couple of weeks. This relaxing time will be held on the phone – anywhere YOU are! You will simply dial-in, and be guided to listen, let go, de-stress, and relax. Until then… Enjoy scaring away those negative spirits and have a frightfully good time!
Holistic Occupational Therapy, Intention, Manifestation, Meditations for You!, Mind-Body Connection, Prevention, Relaxation & Meditation, The Science of Happiness
Preparing for the Holidays
We have enjoyed a warmer than usual Fall Season here in Minnesota. The garden is mostly put to bed for the winter, but there are still some carrots, beets, chard, and kale awaiting picking, and a few snap dragons sharing their delight. Daylight savings and the calendar on the wall tell me that Thanksgiving is coming up quickly and Christmas is just around the corner. So, we need to plan the meals, decide who’s coming and going where… and then there are the gifts. Do I make them, buy them, or offer a talent or service? I have started making my husband a scarf. I’m still finishing a blanket…
Energy Healing, Guided Imagery, Holistic Health, Intuition, Meditations for You!, Mind-Body Connection, Relaxation & Meditation
"What Color is My Energy?"
Recently I’ve been asked a lot about colors: “Why do I see this color when I meditate?”, “What do colors mean?” and “What color is my energy?” Colors may indicate and represent a myriad of things. While there is a whole school of thought with Color Therapy that may show you the way, you may first want to explore what a particular color means to you. For example, when resting with your eyes closed and you begin to see yellow, notice how does that color make you feel? What does yellow mean to you? What does it seem to be conveying to you? Does yellow mean sunshine and happiness? What…