Emmy Vadnais Intuition & Holistic Healing
Learn How to Trust and Listen to Your Intuition Read Emmy’s book or schedule an Intuitive Coaching session. (Learn more) Coaching There are several ways that Emmy can help you with your intuition or holistic practice. (Learn more) Classes Emmy offers several intuitive development and integrative health continuing education classes. (Learn more)
How Does Your Intuition Speak to You?
We all have intuitive abilities, and we each have a unique way of perceiving intuition. Knowing the natural ways that you intuit will build your confidence and trust when you are listening to intuition’s wisdom. Once you have an idea of what senses are most often engaged when listening to your intuition, you will be better able to recognize it. Then, you can strengthen these senses and learn to increase your ability with additional senses. All or some of your senses may be utilized when receiving intuitive impressions: vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, emotions, and/or feelings or a felt sense in the body known as interoception. You may also experience…
Embrace Your Inner Sun and Shine Brightly
🌞🌻 As we celebrate the longest day of the year, let’s reflect on how we are shining like the sun in our own lives. What are some ways you are radiating with positivity and growth? I wish you a very happy summer solstice! Today is the longest day of the year here in North America. We’ve got the summer beginning with the sun shining the most with the longest amount of daylight today, and I want to ask you: How are you shining like the sun in your own life? In what ways are you feeling energized, joyful, loving, or have you been feeling zapped of your own energy? What…
Classes, Health, Inner Knowing, Inner Wisdom, Intuition, Intuitive Coaching, Intuitive Development, Lifestyle, Meaning and Purpose, Relaxation & Meditation
Announcing the Intuitive Coaching Program
I am thrilled to announce the Intuitive Coaching Program that I will be teaching this fall. Intuition has guided me in times when nothing seemed to make sense or I wasn’t sure which direction to turn. When I learned to listen to it, a beautiful path unfolded in front of me. I would like the opportunity to teach you to do the same. Are You Ready to Awaken Your Inner Wisdom & Guide Other Towards Transformation? The Intuitive Coaching Program offers a comprehensive pathway to personal and professional growth. Whether you’re already in touch with your intuitive abilities or seeking to strengthen them, this program is designed to elevate your…
Consciousness, Healing Environment, Intuition, Intuitive Coaching, Lifestyle, Meditation, Nature, Well Being, Wellness
Your Intuition is Always Speaking to You. Are you Listening?
Did you know that your intuition is always there ready to give you the best advice and guidance, like your own best friend? The tricky part is that not everyone pays attention often enough to consistently trust it. There are many ways to listen to your intuition. One of the best ways is to quiet your mind. “Who me? I have so much to think about, do, and organize in my life.” you may say. By taking a few minutes each week, and ideally, every day, you can lower the noise in your head, the worry, distracting emotions, and the busy-ness in your life. “Sure, but I’m not a good…
Ancient Magic Rituals
What a fun and intelligent conversation I had with Irving Finkel, PhD, Senior Assistant Keeper of Ancient Mesopotamian script, languages, and culture at The British Museum on the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel about “Ancient Magic Rituals.” He says the ancients used magic for primarily benevolent reasons. He is one of the few people in the world who can read ancient cuneiform writing on tablets of clay. Watch or listen to interview here: Irving Finkel, PhD, is Senior Assistant Keeper of ancient Mesopotamian script, languages, and cultures at the British Museum. He is the curator in charge of cuneiform inscriptions on tablets of clay from ancient Mesopotamia, of which the…
Astrology, Beauty, Inner Knowing, Inner Wisdom, Intuition, Intuitive Connections, Money, Pleasure, Value
Connect to Yourself with the Full Moon
Full Moon in Libra We are in the midst of experiencing the Full Moon in Libra that was exact on March 25. Libra is about relationships and balance. It is related to justice and equanimity. This is an air sign connected to mental functions. It is ruled by the planet Venus, that corresponds to love, beauty, value, pleasure, and money. The full moon gives us a deep sense of inner reflection within the innermost sense of ourselves that illuminate the subconscious and what is typically hidden about the sign it is in and where it lights up your own personal aspects in your astrological birth chart. You may ponder: Where…