Clairvoyance,  Inner Knowing,  Intuition,  Intuitive Development

How Does Your Intuition Speak to You?

We all have intuitive abilities, and we each have a unique way of perceiving intuition.
Knowing the natural ways that you intuit will build your confidence and trust when you are listening to intuition’s wisdom. Once you have an idea of what senses are most often engaged when listening to your intuition, you will be better able to recognize it. Then, you can strengthen these senses and learn to increase your ability with additional senses.

All or some of your senses may be utilized when receiving intuitive impressions:
vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, emotions, and/or feelings or a felt sense in the body known as interoception.

You may also experience intuition as images in your mind’s eye, symbols, flashes of insight, or dream events.
Just like everything else, intuition is a form of energy or frequency that you can perceive from within or outside of yourself. To enhance your intuition, it can be helpful to draw upon physical cues in the environment, such as how something looks or sounds, a person’s body language, or their facial expressions—along with your intuition. It’s best to take all of your senses into account as best you can and discern what may be the most accurate intuitive impression.

Words have been used to describe intuiting with each sense. Clair is a French word that means “clear,” as in being able to see clearly. Clair combined with each sense has been used to describe intuitive abilities.

  • Clairvoyance—“clear vision.” You may see things in the physical world, or you may see in your mind with “inner-sight”
    or “insight” images while you are dreaming, either awake or when you are asleep.
  • Clairaudience—“clear hearing.” You may hear as if it is real, or you may hear in your mind. It may be like talking to yourself, but different than your own thoughts.
  • Clairgustance—“clear tasting.” You may experience a taste in your mouth that is providing you intuitive information.
  • Clairalience—“clear smelling.” You may experience smells that indicate an intuitive message coming forward.
  • Clairsentience—“clear feeling.” That may be experienced as physical sensations in your body, feelings, or emotions, or a deep knowing or “inner knowing,” such as experiencing tingling, heaviness, discomfort, pain, being uplifted, or joy in any part of your body. This may include being empathic: being able to feel how another person or animal feels, using all of the senses including interoception.

How do you sense your intuition? If you would like support with yours, consider joining the Intuitive Connections Community, taking a class, or having an individual session with Emmy.


Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L has over 20 years experience providing Holistic, Integrative Health, Wellness and Prevention Care in a variety of settings. She is a Holistic Occupational Therapist, Intuitive Healer, Health Coach, teacher, consultant, and writer. She provides holistic and integrative healthcare and intuitive development education to healthcare practitioners and organizations. She is the founder of the Holistic OT Community and is in private practice in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is available for individual sessions, tutoring, classes, and consulting. She can be contacted at [email protected]. Visit her websites at and

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