How Love and Compassion Expand Psychic and Intuitive Abilities
It is a joy to have coauthored the opening editorial in the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, Issue 8, with Jeffrey Mishlove, “Love and Compassion: Expanding Intuition and Psychic Abilities.” Read the full article, that is included here, to learn how it can improve your life. You can download a free PDF version or order a print copy via the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website: https://www.newthinkingallowed.org/new-thinking-allowed…/ or directly from MagCloud: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2982963 Watch New Thinking Allowed on YouTube. Read Full Article Here:
Compassion, Emotions, Gratitude, Happiness, Healing Environment, Heart, Intuition, JOy, Love, Meditation, Nature
Heartfulness Meditation
I created a Heartfulness Meditation, that is similar to Mindfulness Meditation, on the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel. In this meditation, I guide you to connect with your heart and loving awareness to balance your mind, body, and spirit. Being present with non-judging awareness, from your heart, allows thoughts, feelings, and emotions to come and go without getting caught up in them. This can increase clarity and acceptance of the present-moment reality. It can create a sense of calm, peace, love, and joy. It can connect you more deeply with your intuition. All video images are from my garden. Please do not listen to the meditation while driving a car…
Coaching, Community, Compassion, Confidence, Intuition, Intuitive Coaching, Intuitive Connections, Love, Magic, Manifestation, Meaning and Purpose, Meditation, Self Care
Intuitive Group Coaching
You are invited to today’s Intuitive Group Coaching with Q & A session. This is the first group coaching for my new Intuitive Connections community. In this transformative experience, I will be your guide, assisting you in discovering clarity, relieving stress, and cultivating a sense of calm amidst life’s challenges.Together, we will delve into your intuition for answers to your questions, unraveling the path to a deeper understanding of your life. Embrace this opportunity to live with more meaning and purpose. Intuitive Group Coaching February 28 on Zoom4:30 PT / 6:30 CT / 7:30 p.m. ET90 minutes Bring your questions related to accessing and trusting your intuition. Bring intuitive cards (made by…
Community, Compassion, Consciousness, Inner Knowing, Inner Wisdom, Intuition, Intuitive Development, Love, Spirituality
Join Intuitive Connections
The Intuitive Connections community begins today! Ever since I wrote my book, Intuitive Development, I have been wanting to create a community to support people with their intuition. Most people have a hard time trusting it, let alone knowing when it speaks to them. I can help! Learn more and Sign Up here Member Benefits Include: Personalized Intuitive Group Coaching Power of Knowledge – Discounts on Intuition and Holistic Healing Classes & Live Events Individualized Coaching Sessions Discounts Community Connection Access to Exclusive Content Meditation Circle I will personally guide you on this journey. Our first meditation group begins on February 13. Looking forward to seeing you there!…
Tonglen – Giving and Receiving Meditation
Here, Emmy Vadnais and Jeffrey Mishlove have a conversation about the Tonglen meditation video shown below. Tonglen is a special healing technique that entails both compassion for oneself and for others. Emmy and Jeffrey see this particular exercise as foundational for projects that they expect to unfold over the coming year. But, it is probably not for everyone. In the Tonglen Meditation, CoHost Emmy Vadnais guides you to develop lovingkindness and compassion for yourself and others. You can give and receive compassion and transform suffering to love and connection, simultaneously, for yourself and others. New Thinking Allowed CoHost, Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L, is an intuitive healer and health coach based in…
Your Heart Wisdom
Intuition may come from the heart. Heart as the Source of Love Throughout history, ancient societies, philosophers, poets, and prophets have regarded the heart as the source of love, wisdom, intuition, the soul, and positive emotions. The Egyptians believed that the heart was connected to spiritual dimensions. After death, the heart was weighed to see how much good and evil it contained, and it was put in special urns for burial, and the brain was discarded. Thus, there is a disparity between what ancient traditions believed and modern predominant science’s teaching that the heart solely provides a physical function. Heart Iconography Images of the heart can be seen in religious…