How Love and Compassion Expand Psychic and Intuitive Abilities
It is a joy to have coauthored the opening editorial in the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, Issue 8, with Jeffrey Mishlove, “Love and Compassion: Expanding Intuition and Psychic Abilities.” Read the full article, that is included here, to learn how it can improve your life. You can download a free PDF version or order a print copy via the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website: https://www.newthinkingallowed.org/new-thinking-allowed…/ or directly from MagCloud: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2982963 Watch New Thinking Allowed on YouTube. Read Full Article Here:
Ask Us Anything Livestream with Emmy Vadnais and Jeffrey Mishlove
You are invited to join us on Sunday, December 15, at Noon (Mountain Time), (11 am PT / 1:00 pm CT), for a Live Stream Event with Jeffrey Mishlove and Emmy Vadnais on the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel. This will be an “Ask Us Anything” session. Come with your toughest and most pressing questions – particularly about consciousness, spirituality, and the paranormal. The event will run for about ninety minutes. The URL for this event is https://youtube.com/live/s1C8obg77H0. You may wish to log in early in order to post your questions right away. We will start the 10-minute countdown clock at 11:50 am (USA Mountain Time). If you log into this URL early,…
Consciousness, Healing Environment, Intuition, Intuitive Coaching, Lifestyle, Meditation, Nature, Well Being, Wellness
Your Intuition is Always Speaking to You. Are you Listening?
Did you know that your intuition is always there ready to give you the best advice and guidance, like your own best friend? The tricky part is that not everyone pays attention often enough to consistently trust it. There are many ways to listen to your intuition. One of the best ways is to quiet your mind. “Who me? I have so much to think about, do, and organize in my life.” you may say. By taking a few minutes each week, and ideally, every day, you can lower the noise in your head, the worry, distracting emotions, and the busy-ness in your life. “Sure, but I’m not a good…
Community, Compassion, Consciousness, Inner Knowing, Inner Wisdom, Intuition, Intuitive Development, Love, Spirituality
Join Intuitive Connections
The Intuitive Connections community begins today! Ever since I wrote my book, Intuitive Development, I have been wanting to create a community to support people with their intuition. Most people have a hard time trusting it, let alone knowing when it speaks to them. I can help! Learn more and Sign Up here Member Benefits Include: Personalized Intuitive Group Coaching Power of Knowledge – Discounts on Intuition and Holistic Healing Classes & Live Events Individualized Coaching Sessions Discounts Community Connection Access to Exclusive Content Meditation Circle I will personally guide you on this journey. Our first meditation group begins on February 13. Looking forward to seeing you there!…
Being in the Flow, Bliss, Confidence, Consciousness, Creativity, Desired Outcome, Happiness, Higher Self, Inner Knowing, Inner Wisdom, Intuition, Intuitive Development, Precognition, Spirituality, The Intuition Summit, Trust, Wisdom
The Intuition Summit
JOIN US FOR THIS WORLDWIDE SUMMIT Watch the video below Get Confidence and Trust Your Intuition! Sign Up Below Welcome to The Intuition Summit – a remarkable, completely free event spanning 12 transformative days, dedicated primarily to adults, that also focuses on nurturing intuition in children. Our diverse panel of twelve esteemed speakers will guide you through an extensive journey of self-discovery and intuitive empowerment. Through engaging discussions, interactive exercises, and captivating stories, this free summit is designed to inspire trust in your inner wisdom, boost confidence, and unlock your untapped potential. Join us on this extended, life-changing adventure and discover how it can enhance your creativity, decision-making, bring more joy,…
Compassion, Consciousness, Inner Wisdom, Interview, Intuition, Intuitive Development, Magic, podcast, Spirituality
Intuition Explained – Interview with Emmy Vadnais
Here’s a recent conversation with Emmy Vadnais as a guest on Your Superior Self. Thank you, Trey Downes! “Get ready for a mind-expanding conversation as we sit down with Emmy Vadnais, a renowned intuitive healer and expert in the art of strengthening our intuition to connect with the vast universe. In this illuminating video, Emmy shares her profound insights and practical wisdom on how individuals can tap into their innate intuitive abilities and forge a powerful connection with the cosmos. Emmy Vadnais is not your typical intuitive guide. Her approach is rooted in a blend of holistic healing modalities, energy work, and mindfulness practices that empower individuals to unlock their…