Consciousness,  Healing Environment,  Intuition,  Intuitive Coaching,  Lifestyle,  Meditation,  Nature,  Well Being,  Wellness

Your Intuition is Always Speaking to You. Are you Listening?

Did you know that your intuition is always there ready to give you the best advice and guidance, like your own best friend? The tricky part is that not everyone pays attention often enough to consistently trust it.

There are many ways to listen to your intuition. One of the best ways is to quiet your mind. “Who me? I have so much to think about, do, and organize in my life.” you may say. By taking a few minutes each week, and ideally, every day, you can lower the noise in your head, the worry, distracting emotions, and the busy-ness in your life.

“Sure, but I’m not a good meditator.” you may think to yourself. Meditation does not have to be rigid or an effort to stop the thoughts in your mind, because the thoughts will not completely stop. However, they will slow down. You can open up to a larger part of yourself, where insight, joy, and peace reside.

It is such a nice time of year with the weather warming up, you can easily go sit outside, even all the way to the ground and simply enjoy the sights and sounds. When your mind begins to plan or worry by thinking of the future or ruminating about the past, bring your attention back to the present, gently without judgment.

Blooming ornamental crab apple tree with blue bench under it and bleeding heart flowers are from Emmy’s garden.

Each month, I host a meditation circle for you to have practice and guidance with this great skill that can enhance your inner knowing, connect within, and feel more peace and joy.

Additionally, there are many health benefits to meditation, such as changing your genetic expression in ways that can improve your mental and physical health. Meditation has also been shown to increase grey matter in the brain assisting with focus, attention, and quite literally––making you younger.

We meet at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., on the second Tuesday of each month, at your convenient location via Zoom, through the Intuitive Connections Community.

If you would like support with your health care goals, to strengthen your intuition, or receive guidance for more joy and peace in your life, I’m happy to assist you.

This may be your relationship with yourself, others, health, career, spirituality or other topics (with you as an active participant). You are welcome to book a session with me.

I offer:

  • Health Coaching
  • Intuitive Coaching
  • Tarot Card Readings
  • Astrology Chart Readings
  • Guided Meditation
  • Energy Healing
  • Spiritual Development

Schedule a session here.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L has over 20 years experience providing Holistic, Integrative Health, Wellness and Prevention Care in a variety of settings. She is a Holistic Occupational Therapist, Intuitive Healer, Health Coach, teacher, consultant, and writer. She provides holistic and integrative healthcare and intuitive development education to healthcare practitioners and organizations. She is the founder of the Holistic OT Community and is in private practice in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is available for individual sessions, tutoring, classes, and consulting. She can be contacted at [email protected]. Visit her websites at and

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