How Love and Compassion Expand Psychic and Intuitive Abilities
It is a joy to have coauthored the opening editorial in the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, Issue 8, with Jeffrey Mishlove, “Love and Compassion: Expanding Intuition and Psychic Abilities.” Read the full article, that is included here, to learn how it can improve your life. You can download a free PDF version or order a print copy via the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website: https://www.newthinkingallowed.org/new-thinking-allowed…/ or directly from MagCloud: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2982963 Watch New Thinking Allowed on YouTube. Read Full Article Here:
Your Heart Wisdom
Intuition may come from the heart. Heart as the Source of Love Throughout history, ancient societies, philosophers, poets, and prophets have regarded the heart as the source of love, wisdom, intuition, the soul, and positive emotions. The Egyptians believed that the heart was connected to spiritual dimensions. After death, the heart was weighed to see how much good and evil it contained, and it was put in special urns for burial, and the brain was discarded. Thus, there is a disparity between what ancient traditions believed and modern predominant science’s teaching that the heart solely provides a physical function. Heart Iconography Images of the heart can be seen in religious…
Wisdom is Bliss
Robert shares how wisdom is bliss. Ignorance is not bliss and can cause suffering. He describes the four noble truths of Buddhism as four friendly fun facts and encourages you to use your life to become generous, compassionate, and enlightened. Robert Thurman, PhD, is professor emeritus at Columbia University where was a teaching professor for 50 years on Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies. He was the first Westerner Tibetan Buddhist monk, ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He is author of many books, including Why the Dalai Lama Matters: His Act of Truth as the Solution for China, Tibet, and the Whole World and Infinite Life: Awakening to Bliss Within. His…
Compassion, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Heart, Higher Self, Intuition, JOy, Meditation, Meditations for You!, New Thinking Allowed, Oneness
Expanded Heart Meditation
In the Expanded Heart Meditation, you are guided by Emmy Vadnais to connect with your heart and feel love, gratitude, joy, compassion, and forgiveness for yourself and the whole universe.
Psychic Paramedic
Sarah Grace used her psychic abilities while working as a paramedic in the busy California 911 system for 15 years. She now assists others with their psychic and intuitive gifts. She is author of Journey into Grace: Real Life Stories of a Psychic Paramedic and Holistic PTSD Recovery: For First Responders, Military, and Their Families. Her website is sarahkgrace.com. Sarah describes how her psychic abilities gave her an extra edge as a paramedic while helping people in life and death moments. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:20 Psychic abilities 00:06:32 Near-death experience 00:10:18 Becoming a paramedic 00:16:01 Compassion and trauma 00:23:14 Protocol for assisting the dying 00:27:19 Coming upon a dead body 00:32:39…
Compassion With Addiction
Carrie Wilkens, PhD, is cofounder and clinical director of the Center for Motivation and Change (CMC). She is coauthor of The Parent’s 20 Minute Guide to Change: A Guide for Parents About How to Help their Children Change their Substance Use, The Partner’s 20 Minute Guide: A Guide for Partners About How to Help their Loved One Change their Substance Use, Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change, and The Beyond Addiction Workbook for Family and Friends: Evidence-Based Skills to Help a Loved One Make Positive Change. The CMC: Foundation for Change website is cmcffc.org. Carrie shares that loved ones can support people struggling with substance use with…