How to Live Intuitively
I was recently interviewed by Scarlett V Clark from the Smart Girl Tribe about “How to Live Intuitively and Follow Your Gut When Making Life Changing Decisions.” You can listen to on podcast platforms, such as ApplePodcasts, Stitcher, or Here. Description: “For a long time I have been living intuitively, before eating I ask myself what does my body want? I ditched my alarm in the morning so my body can guide how much sleep it needs and I have let my body decide what exercise I should be carrying out every day even if that means every morning for weeks I do yoga rather than running or a hit…
Full Moon in Aquarius
The moon, from the lens of astrology, represents home, mother, how we nurture and what makes us feel safe, emotions, needs, the subconscious, women, feminine or yin energy, and intuition. Aquarius is related to humanity, bringing “power to the people”, the collective consciousness, technology, revolution, and being on the forward edge. It is symbolically known as “the water bearer” who pours water for the Gods. Although, it is considered an air sign that is related to thought, mental activity, and communication. This full moon may relate to these areas of your life. Notice how you feel today and the surrounding couple of days before and after this full moon. Your…
De-Stress, Holistic Health, Intuition, podcast, Prevention, Relaxation & Meditation, Self Care, Stress Management, Wellness
Three Tips for Meditation
Three Tips for Meditation Episode 37 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Three Tips for Meditation” on the Healing Connections Podcast on 8/7/21. Emmy shares three tips to help you have a great and successful meditation practice: 1. Select the Environment 2. Select the Focus 3. Let Go of Trying She guides you in a heart meditation to help you connect to love for yourself and others. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. Order book here.
The Myth of Meditation
Check out what I have found to be one of the biggest myths of meditation and how to dispel it in this short video, “The Myth of Meditation.” I share tips and suggestions on how to have an enjoyable meditation practice that will help you receive the healthy mind-body-spirit benefits. This quote is a great description of what can happen in meditation. “Do you have the patience to wait Till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving Till the right action arises by itself?” ― Lao Tzu Watch or listen to the full Healing Connections Podcast episode at link in bio, on YouTube, ApplePodcasts, Spotify,…
Intuitive Cards
In addition to meditation, one of the first ways I learned how to listen to and trust my intuition was through making intuitive cards, also known as symbolic cards or innie cards. Intuitive cards are a tool to help you connect with your intuition so you can focus on, strengthen, and trust what you already feel and know within yourself. They can help you dial in to truth more quickly and cut through emotions or projections that may limit you from fully sensing your intuition. They provide visual images and words reflected back to you from your own soul that may make it easier for you to see what your…
The Intersection of Intuition & Health
How has intuition helped your health? Check out my latest podcast episode: “The Intersection of Intuition and Health” on my Healing Connections Podcast. I share that cultivating and engaging with your intuition can also improve your health. The word “heal” means whole. Health is wealth. You can tap into your intuition to benefit your physical and mental health. I help you to have a personal experience with your intuition and spirituality. When connected to your intuition you can feel whole and complete and manifest your dreams for a more joyful life.