Art and Healing, Emotional Healing, Guided Imagery, Holistic Health, Holistic Occupational Therapy, Intention, Intuition, Manifestation, Mind-Body Connection, Self Care, The Science of Happiness
See it! Feel it! Believe it! Achieve it!
Welcome to 2014! Many people begin the new year with new goals and intentions for what they want to release in their lives and what they want to invite and bring into their lives. What is it you want to create in your life? You probably know what would be ‘good’ for you. However, there are often things that get in our way of manifesting what we desire. A universal principle is that we attract into your lives what is occurring in our consciousness and often the subconscious. We often have deep learnings around our most difficult challenges. In fact, many Spiritual Teachers believe that is when we learn the…
Art and Healing, Emotional Healing, Intuition, Manifestation, Mind-Body Connection, Relaxation & Meditation, Self Care
Art & Healing
ART AND HEALING CLASS APRIL 8, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Come and allow yourself to be in a creative space where you can choose to make a Vision Board/Collage and/or a Scribble Drawing. *Update – Go Here for current Art & Healing Classes Making art can provide a way for self-expression through images, shapes, and colors. It can provide images, feelings, and emotions that may inform you in unique ways. The very act of creating can release healing hormones in the body. ~ Create a Vision Board with images of something you would like to embrace or release from the past and what you would like for your present or…
Emotional Healing, Energy Healing, Guided Imagery, Holistic Health, Holistic Occupational Therapy, Intuition, Mind-Body Connection
Symbolic Cards – Intuition and Healing with Art Therapy
As part of my training and development of my Intuition, my teacher taught me how to make my own personal ‘Symbolic Cards’ or ‘Innie Cards.’ They continue to help me to this day and I share with students how to make their own deck as part of the Intuitive Development Course. These cards combine Intuition and Art Therapy with Healing and Soul Development. They become a representation of what it is you may need to know about yourself or a situation in your life to help you heal. They speak directly to those places in you that need the balm of Spirit to lovingly guide you forward. Here is an…
Connecting, Emotional Healing, Energy Healing, Holistic Health, Holistic Occupational Therapy, Intuition, Manifestation, Mind-Body Connection, Prevention, Self Care, Stay Healthy with the Seasons, The Science of Happiness, Uncategorized
Summer – Staying Healthy with the Seasons
“Summer Time and the living is easy!” This is the time of year to soak up the sun, enjoy the flowers, green, growth, and nature in all its glory! According to the rhythms of nature and within the context of the Chinese 5 Element theory, Summer is governed by the Fire Element. This can be seen and felt by the stronger Sun and expansive energy of longer days and shorter nights. The Heat of Summer and the strong Yang energy are reflected internally. The meridians, or energy pathways, associated with this element are the Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium, and Triple Warmer. The pathways can be assessed to determine the energetic…
Connecting, De-Stress, Emotional Healing, Holistic Health, Holistic Occupational Therapy, Intention, Manifestation, Mind-Body Connection, Positive & Negative, Prevention, Relaxation & Meditation, Spirituality, The Science of Happiness
Valuing Yourself
At the core of many of our problems is a simple lack of self worth. Think about it. If something is not working in your life, what is really at the core of it? Many of us do not value ourselves. We may or may not see the good in ourselves. We may judge ourselves for the parts we deem as less valuable or desirable. We can even project our lack of self-worth on to others and negatively judge them. If, something or someone (a relationship) is not working the way you want it to, it’s possible that this is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. How…
Emotional Healing, Guided Imagery, Intuition, Manifestation, Positive & Negative, The Science of Happiness, Uncategorized
Where Are Your Wild Things?
I recently watched the movie Where the Wild Things Are. I really liked it. It was so artistically created, and I enjoyed discovering a story about a boy who was frustrated and upset with the way things were going in his life. His imagination allowed him to sail across the ocean to a strange land where he met many Wild Things. Each Wild Thing seemed to represent a part of him; the hurt parts of himself. Getting to know each Wild Thing allowed him to work out his bad feelings. At first he seemed to enjoy the freedom of being with them, developing relationships with them, and getting to know…