Consciousness, Holistic Health, Intuition, Intuitive Development, Meditation, Relaxation & Meditation, Spirituality, Wellness
Number One Tip to Access Intuition
Emmy Vadnais shares her number tip to access intuition. Meditation and relaxation tips may be the best way to access your inner knowing. Visit her YouTube channel and the Intuitive Development and Meditations playlists.
Science & The Perennial Philosophy
Edi Bilimoria, DPhil, FIMechE, CEng, is a Consultant Engineer and has been Project Manager and Head of Design for major projects such as the Channel Tunnel, London Underground systems, and offshore installations. He also worked in safety and environmental engineering and management for several Royal Navy projects, including the Queen Elizabeth Aircraft Carrier and the fleet of River-class offshore patrol vessels. He is Chairman of the Theosophical World Trust for Education and Research, a Trustee of the Scientific and Medical Network, Adviser to the Galileo Commission of the Network, and is a Trustee and a Council Member of the Francis Bacon Society. His website is edibilimoria.com. Edi Bilimoria describes how…
Consciousness, Dark Matter, Heaven and Earth, Medium, New Thinking Allowed, Philosophy, Spirituality, Veil
Unveiling Hidden Realities
Christopher Noël suggests that invisible dark matter, often considered to be empty space, may be spiritual matter or consciousness that blends with what is perceived as physical or ordinary matter. Christopher Noël holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy from Yale University and a Master’s in Fine Arts from Vermont College of Fine Arts where he taught writing for 20 years. He also researches the phenomenon of Sasquatch. He is the author of In the Unlikely Event of a Water Landing: A Geography of Grief, Sasquatch and Autism: Twelve Parallels, MindSpeak: Tapping into Sasquatch and Science, and There is No Veil: At Play in the Vast Here and Now. His website…
Art, Consciousness, Invisible World, New Thinking Allowed, Parapsychology, Spiritualism, Spirituality
Art and the Invisible World of Parapsychology with Shannon Taggart
Shannon Taggart shares how art and imagery can capture the seemingly invisible world of spirits and parapsychology. Shannon Taggart is an artist and author exploring the mystery of photography and the representation of belief. Her images have been exhibited and featured internationally, including within the publications Time, New York Times Magazine, Discover, Newsweek, and CNN. Her work has been recognized by Nikon, Magnum Photos, the Inge Morath Foundation, American Photography, and the Alexia Foundation for World Peace. She is author of Séance, a book of artistic and historical photographs documenting the world of spiritualism. Her website is shannontaggart.com. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:09 Photography links to Spiritualism 00:08:43 Authenticity of spirit photography…
Emergent Phenomena
Daniel describes that by having high quality data that finds the overlapping perspectives in science, spirituality, religion, clinical medicine, and mental health, of what many might call “spiritual”, “mystical”, and “energetic” experiences – referred to as emergent phenomena by the Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium – there can be more beneficial outcomes for people. Daniel Ingram, MD, MSPH, is the CEO and Board Chair of Emergence Benefactors that supports the Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium. He was an emergency medicine physician for 12 years, primarily at major trauma centers. Daniel is author of Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha: An Unusually Hardcore Dharma Book and coauthor of The Fire Kasina with…
Angels, Consciousness, Heart, Higher Self, Intuition, Love, Near-Death Experience, New Thinking Allowed, Precognition, Spirituality
Talking to Angels
Do you believe in angels? Many people do. If you’re looking for living proof of angels, pre-cognition, intuition, and that our spirits are much larger than we may think, you will immensely enjoy this conversation with Lorna Byrne. She’s been seeing angels, who have been sharing information with her, since before she could speak. Lorna Byrne is a spiritual teacher, international bestselling author, and philanthropist. Her books have been published in more than 50 countries. Lorna has been seeing angels since she was a baby. She sees angels, physically, with as much clarity as the rest of us see people. She is author of seven books, including A Message of…