• Dreams,  Intuition,  Relaxation & Meditation,  Sign,  Symbol

    Signs and Symbols

    Signs and Symbols Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Signs and Symbols” on the Healing Connections Podcast episode 49.  Emmy shares how signs and symbols are subtle yet powerful ways to connect to your intuition. She provides examples of how signs can come in your life through music, the radio, podcasts, dreams, and something you read, see, or a person says to you. Setting an intention to receive a sign may help you to get information to know you’re on the right track, help you make decisions, have healthy relationships, and live a more meaningful and joyful live. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for…

  • Addiction,  Spirituality

    Addiction and Spirituality

    Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Dave Roberts, LMSW about “Addiction and Spirituality” on the Healing Connections Podcast. Dave shares that there are many forms of addiction, including substance use, gambling, sex, internet, food, and shopping. He provides ways that spirituality may enhance a person to feel more hope and a greater connection to the universe to help people cope, ease pain, loss, trauma, and grief. He shares examples of how his clients have helped his spirituality expand through connecting with their passed loved ones. He offers simple ways for people to develop their spirituality to heal from addiction. David J. Roberts, Licensed Marriage Social Worker, became a parent who experienced the…

  • Being in the Flow,  Creativity,  Decisions,  Intuition,  JOy,  Love,  Meditation,  Play,  Prayer,  Wellness,  Wholism

    Being in the Flow

    Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Being in the Flow” on the Healing Connections Podcast. Emmy shares how being in the flow can improve joy, creativity, intuition, love, and problem-solving. Being in the present moment and enjoying the moment may increase being in the zone and having peak experiences. She suggests activities that may improve your ability to be in the flow and enjoy life more, such as play, meditation, prayer, being in nature, engaging in mind-body-spirit health and wellness activities, and surrounding yourself with beauty and people you enjoy. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can…

  • Goals,  Intention,  Intuition,  Meditation,  Prayer

    Intentions that Work for You

    Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Intentions that Work for You” on the Healing Connections Podcast. Emmy shares how to create the best intentions to manifest your goals and dreams. Getting crystal clear with what you want and don’t want will make your path easier. Utilizing the law of attraction with writing, art, images, affirmations, meditation, and prayer can help you achieve your goals. Intuition can support you to become aware of the inner workings of your mind to easily develop your own personal affirmations and intentions. Becoming aware of your beliefs, self-talk, and expectations can help you identify barriers and areas that may need transformation. Once you have set your intentions…

  • Animals,  Communication,  Consciousness,  Intuition,  podcast,  Spirituality

    Animal Communication

    Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Kathy Van Guilder about “Animal Communication” on the Healing Connections Podcast episode 45.   Kathy shares that animals are supreme beings or angels who are here to help us humans to live in the heart and support us on our journeys. We can all learn how to communicate with animals, and many of us are doing this already. She provides tips and suggestions on how to communicate with animals, including a free download to strengthen your intuitive abilities and confidence. She provides an animal communication demonstration with insightful messages from Emmy’s dog, Lola, that can help everyone. Kathy has served to connect people and their pets,…

  • Archetype,  Compassion,  Grief,  Loss,  Love,  Wounded Healer

    Harnessing the Wounded Healer

    Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Harnessing the Wounded Healer” on the Healing Connections Podcast.    Emmy shares that the wounded healer is an archetype or area of your life where you have the greatest wound and the also the greatest opportunity to grow and heal. Through a healing journey you can learn how to heal your wound and help heal others. You can learn greater compassion, empathy, and love for yourself and others. This can lower a sense of loneliness with a connection to all. Emmy shares personal stories of areas where the wounded healer has been the most active in her life and how she has then been able to…