Emmy’s Musings and Spring Update 2017
It’s been a little while since my last blog post. It has been a full beginning to the new year in 2017! I am fortunate to have been asked to create an online course for the American Occupational Therapy Association on “Occupational Therapy with Complementary Health Approaches and Integrative Health.” This came about after petitioning them with the Holistic OT Community requesting that they offer more continuing education courses on these topics. I spent most of the end of December and all of January, in between client sessions, creating this course. Integrative Medicine is being utilized by more people in recent years. For example, there are twice as many people in…
Intuition, Manifestation, Positive & Negative, Self Care, Stay Healthy with the Seasons, The Science of Happiness
Happy New YOU in 2017!
Happy New Year to you! We say it every year, and it’s another chance to look at our lives and see what is working for us and what we might like to change. We can certainly do this every day, but this time of year gives us more pause for reflection looking back and pondering a direction as we look forward. What Do You Want to Create in Your life? What are your dreams, goals, and desires? Are you really doing exactly what you would like to be doing? I understand that life sometimes gives you circumstances that seemingly keep you from creating what you want. We may not realize…
De-Stress, Emotional Healing, Holistic Health, Integrative Medicine, Meditations for You!, podcast, Relaxation & Meditation
New “Healing Connections” Podcast – Listen Now!
Healing Connections Podcast – First Episode I just recorded the first episode of the “Healing Connections” podcast this November. You can listen now. Click the play button here. In this episode we discuss how most of us are affected by negative stress with tips and suggestions on how to manage stress, induce the relaxation response to help prevent disease, and in certain cases possibly even recover from illness or disease. I was joined by Carisa Hillman who is an occupational therapy student who has been completing her Fieldwork with me this fall through December. “Healing Connections” was initially created with hopes of it becoming a radio show. It lay dormant…
Integrative Medicine and Yoga Retreat
It has been quite a full September! I continue to advocate for the use of complementary and integrative health in occupational therapy and mainstream health care. I submitted a petition with over 100 signatures asking the Accreditation Council of Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) to create an education standard on how these approaches can be taught in the over 300 OT colleges and universities across the United States. This article that I wrote accompanied the petition. We may not know for a year or two if this will be adopted, but if it does it will solidify these approaches as part of mainstream health care in occupational therapy practice. I recently…
Summer ~ Late July
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.” ~ William Blake from Auguries of Innocence
Summer Special!
Summer Special! Would you like to improve your life and feel you could use a little or a lot of support? Receive support from my Summer intern, Laurie Norton, OTR/L, and I. She is developing her skills in Holistic/Integrative Medicine. Have up to 3 sessions at $49 each – If if is your first session, or you haven’t had an appointment in 6 months or more. Now through August 15! See list of services Here Contact [email protected] to set up your first appointment.