Intuition: The Heart of the Matter
I have been writing my intuitive development book this summer. I am half way through creating it and am loving it. Finally, I am able to focus on these warm summer days to listen to my intuition and allow what wants to come forward to be written. This book has been being created for a while now, but I have a determined goal to complete it soon. Our world needs it. “The longest journey you will ever take is the 8 inches from your head to your heart.” – Andrew Bennett Culturally we are in the process of transforming from being primarily materialistically oriented to being more loving, kind, and…
Holistic Healing Certificate Program Free Info Session 9/15/18
I will be teaching the “Holistic Healing Certificate Program” this fall. I have been teaching these classes for several years and will have a free info session on 9/15/18 at 1:00 p.m. Central Time to share more about the program and answer any questions you may have. The classes I teach are a majority of the approaches I use in my practice – often with excellent results and for my own self-care. I have used them in the hospital setting, skilled nursing facilities SNF, transitional care units TCU, rehab outpatient clinic, and private practice. Each class will deepen your skills about holistic approaches for self-care and providing…
New Intuitive Readings – Summer Special
I am now offering Intuitive Readings. While intuition has and will continue to be a big component of what I share, I am now offering it in a new way. How I may help you: What questions do you have or would you like to receive insight into? Is there something that has been troubling you that you would like to know how best to resolve or how to move forward? Is there something that you would like to manifest in your life that you would like to know how to create? Now through July 31 receive a special summer discount of 45 minutes for $75. (one per person) I…
Learning and Teaching – What Life is All About
This is me teaching at the Holistic OT Yoga and Meditation Retreat. I love teaching! I love learning! Isn’t that what life is all about? It has been quite a journey learning how to be on the other side of health care or sick care so I could help people to stay well, prevent disease, and listen to their intuition. Even though it was scary when I first embarked on this path, and I didn’t exactly know where I was going, I learned to listen more fully to my intuition and what was calling me. Had I continued to stay in those types of working environments I would have continued to…
EFT Videos – Decrease Negativity and Increase Positivity
I just created two EFT videos that may help you. EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple technique that combines acupressure and cognitive behavioral therapy to lower stress, negative emotions, thoughts and feelings, and pain. Learn more about EFT here. In this video learn how to use EFT to lower negative feelings and feel more positive and relaxed. In this video learn to use EFT to have more positive feelings and help you to reach your dreams and goals. Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L is an EFT Master Practitioner and has guided hundreds of people to lower stress and pain, and move toward their dreams, goals, joy, and peace with…
Spreading Light – Spring 2018
It has been a full beginning of the year providing complementary and integrative health care, teaching classes to health care professionals, recording classes, guest lecturing, and writing books. Here’s the summary: Recorded Classes: I took my three-hour classes and recorded them, making them available as a download anytime. Please check them out at the links below or share with those who you think might be interested. Aromatherapy Intro Meditation for Health Care Professionals Holistic Practice Class Guest Lecture: In March, I guest lectured to Masters in Occupational Therapy students at Ithaca College in New York about how they can use complementary and integrative health in OT practice. They were full…