Intuition, Love, Meditations for You!, Reflexology, Relaxation & Meditation, Self Care, Spirituality, The Science of Happiness
Listen to Your Heart – For these Benefits
Heart as the Center of the Seat of Consciousness You probably often hear “Listen to your heart.” How often do you really do this, and what does the really mean? Shouldn’t we be rational and not too overly emotional? If I’m listening to my heart does that mean I’m not listening to another part of myself? When I was learning meditation, energy healing, and developing my intuitive abilites one of the constant themes was “getting out of the head,” and into the heart or the intuitive self. A few practices I was given were to directly bring my attention to and into my heart, and another was to develop the…
Congratulations to the New Graduate of the Holistic Healing Program!
Congratulations to Jill Tessman, MSW, LICSW, who completed my 2 Year Holistic Healing Certificate Program on a beautiful spring day today! Jill completed a 132 hour training on Holistic/Integrative Health Care that I created to provide information on the most commonly used modalities in this area. She learned about many topics for self care and how to guide and provide care to those she serves. The topics are based on the approaches I use most often with my clients that have statistically significant research behind them. She has already been applying what she has learned in her life and already benefitting from it with more sense of calm and peace.…
Radio Interview on Reflexology Benefits 4/9/16
I will be interviewed on the health benefits of Reflexology by the very cool and spunky “Aging But Dangerous” community on Saturday, 4/9/16 at 9:30 a.m. CT on KLBB 1220 AM – you can stream it online anywhere for free! If you will not be able to listen to the live broadcast you can listen to the podcast recording after 4/11/16 on their website under Radio/Podcast. Reflexology can be helpful at any age for health, wellness, recovery, and prevention. We are all aging and I am so grateful to be able to share all about Reflexology with you and their audience!
Are We in the Midst of a Revolution?
There has been a lot going on in my world as a holistic health care practitioner who also holds a conventional mainstream health care license – combined together; a Holistic OT. I am finally convinced that holistic/integrative medicine is here to stay and will only continue to grow – to the point that it will completely infiltrate all of health care and truly transform it. One may consider it as a revolution that is happening. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a revolution is defined as: revolution noun rev·o·lu·tion \ˌre-və-ˈlü-shən\ Simple Definition of revolution : the usually violent attempt by many people to end the rule of one government and start a…
Occupational Therapists Complete The Power of the Mind in Healing Class
I just finished up teaching the “Power of the Mind in Healing” class. We met for four Saturdays in February. I had the pleasure of teaching two occupational therapists who have been practicing for nearly 20 years. In fact, they were in the graduating class right after me at St. Kate’s. We covered topics on the foundations of Holistic/Integrative Health Care, the Mind-Body-Spirit, meditation, relaxation, spirituality, and intuition. They loved it! Here they are practicing muscle energy testing. This is different than testing muscle strength. It assesses the body’s wisdom about if something is good for you or not, and can answer “yes” and “no” questions. Examples of what they…
Realize Your Dreams
I recently received my own copy of the new book “Realize Your Dreams: Create an Action Plan for Life Transformation” by Shelley Odendahl. It is a wonderful companion for anyone who has a dream that they would like to fulfill. The book gives many options and step by step guidance on making them come true. Table of Contents include: What Are Your Dreams for Your Life? Happiness, Self Care and Wellness Eat Healthy and Lose Weight Continue Your Education Travel – Venture Out and Away Find Your Own Version of Career Success Discover Your Passion – Indulge in Your Pleasures Speak Up in Your Own Voice One of the ways…