Emotional Healing, Guided Imagery, Holistic Health, Holistic Occupational Therapy, Intuition, Laughter, Manifestation, Mind-Body Connection, Positive & Negative, Prevention, Relaxation & Meditation, The Science of Happiness
In All Seriousness…
Lately I’ve been noticing how serious the world has become, how serious I have become. There are serious issues to pay attention to. Aren’t there? There is famine, earthquakes, hurricanes, depletion of the environment – the world, not to mention what’s happening to my friends, my family, to me. So, I practice my Yoga. Yoga is serious business. We must do the postures, breathe properly… and get off our butts initially to do it. We must brush our teeth, the dishes need to be washed, children to be taken care of, our inner child needs attention, our parents need our love. We must be nice to ourselves and to…
Energy Healing, Holistic Health, Mind-Body Connection, Prevention, Relaxation & Meditation, Touch Therapy
Acupressure – The Power of Touch
One of the most fundamental ways we show care, love, and healing is through touch. When a part of us is hurting we apply touch to bring attention to the areas such as when we bump our arm we automatically apply gentle pressure to the area to protect it and stimulate healing. Acupressure is a form of touch therapy that has probably been around since the beginning of humanity. It is an ancient form of care that when practiced regularly can bring wonderful results. It is also a form of Energy Healing, as the same points that are addressed with Acupuncture are used with Acupressure. Instead of needles being used,…
The Quick Fix
Is there really a Quick Fix? Our culture seems to think so, but is it a fix or a band-aide? Aspirin, Tylenol, a cup of coffee, or press the button on a key can all be Quick Fix solutions, but what is lurking underneath? What is that head-ache really from? Why is your energy so depleted? Are we accessing all we can and need to? What may we be avoiding? There may be times the Quick Fix is what is needed. Likely there are more times you need more.
Prevention: Taking Care of You
It wasn’t until I provided cardiac rehab to a 54 year old woman, who had to live in a nursing home, that I quit smoking. A constant stream of 5 liters of oxygen couldn’t keep her from feeling she had just run around the block when going from her bed to a chair in the same room. While working at nursing homes and hospitals I witnessed what can happen to us during the mid to later stages of life. For many reasons, I am grateful to have had several years of these experiences. It showed me what can happen to us based on the decisions we make, how we care…