De-Stress, Guided Imagery, Holistic Health, Intuition, Manifestation, Mind-Body Connection, Positive & Negative, Prevention, Relaxation & Meditation, The Science of Happiness
Stressed? Try Guided Imagery
Stress is the culprit of much, if not all, of what ails us. Stress can lead to all sorts of problems including physical illness, relationship problems, and addictive behavior, just to name a few. That is why it is important to engage in healthy relaxing activities. Guided Imagery is a form of meditation that can assist with relaxation, counteract negative moods, and damaging biochemicals that cause physical, mental, and emotional illness. It can assist you to make good choices, lower pain and anxiety, release unwanted habits, overcome obstacles, assist with sleep, improve confidence and performance, and have a stronger Spiritual connection. It allows you to tap in to your inner…
Emotional Healing, Guided Imagery, Holistic Health, Holistic Occupational Therapy, Intuition, Laughter, Manifestation, Mind-Body Connection, Positive & Negative, Prevention, Relaxation & Meditation, The Science of Happiness
In All Seriousness…
Lately I’ve been noticing how serious the world has become, how serious I have become. There are serious issues to pay attention to. Aren’t there? There is famine, earthquakes, hurricanes, depletion of the environment – the world, not to mention what’s happening to my friends, my family, to me. So, I practice my Yoga. Yoga is serious business. We must do the postures, breathe properly… and get off our butts initially to do it. We must brush our teeth, the dishes need to be washed, children to be taken care of, our inner child needs attention, our parents need our love. We must be nice to ourselves and to…
I recently came across this site that will help you create what you would like in your life http://www.intenders.com/ I have to say that I feel these folks are the real deal of showing you how to manifest your dreams. You can sign up on The Intenders Bridge and receive daily steps for the Intention process for 44 days like I did. I will be working on these steps over the next few months.
Manifesting what we Want
Manifestation Here we are, at the beginning of a new year. A time when many of us make resolutions or intentions of what we would like to manifest in our lives. I believe it is true that, for the most part, we can achieve whatever we put our minds to. However, some people have great difficulty manifesting their goals, while others seem to reach them with little effort. I’m sure there are many reasons why, but one reason may be that what we want to achieve is a way to avoid our past hurts, and by not dealing with them directly, they continue to manifest despite our best efforts. I think John Ruskan…