How Love and Compassion Expand Psychic and Intuitive Abilities
It is a joy to have coauthored the opening editorial in the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, Issue 8, with Jeffrey Mishlove, “Love and Compassion: Expanding Intuition and Psychic Abilities.” Read the full article, that is included here, to learn how it can improve your life. You can download a free PDF version or order a print copy via the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website: https://www.newthinkingallowed.org/new-thinking-allowed…/ or directly from MagCloud: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2982963 Watch New Thinking Allowed on YouTube. Read Full Article Here:
Angels, Divine, Happiness, Intuition, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Near-Death Experience, New Thinking Allowed, Psychiatry, Psychic, Psychology, Spirituality
Psychiatrist De-Stigmatizes the Paranormal with Manuel Matas (1945 – 2022)
Dr. Manuel Matas, MD, was a clinical psychiatrist with forty years of experience in university teaching hospitals and private practice. He was a portrait artist, photographer, and public speaker. He has worked in a variety of settings, including the Scarborough Board of Education, the University of Toronto, and the University of Manitoba teaching hospitals, including St. Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg. He has served on the Board and the Scientific Council of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. He has many published articles in peer-reviewed psychiatric journals and has given presentations at national psychiatric conferences. He is author of The Borders of Normal: A Psychiatrist De-Stigmatizes the Paranormal, that was a Whistler Independent…
Psychic Paramedic
Sarah Grace used her psychic abilities while working as a paramedic in the busy California 911 system for 15 years. She now assists others with their psychic and intuitive gifts. She is author of Journey into Grace: Real Life Stories of a Psychic Paramedic and Holistic PTSD Recovery: For First Responders, Military, and Their Families. Her website is sarahkgrace.com. Sarah describes how her psychic abilities gave her an extra edge as a paramedic while helping people in life and death moments. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:20 Psychic abilities 00:06:32 Near-death experience 00:10:18 Becoming a paramedic 00:16:01 Compassion and trauma 00:23:14 Protocol for assisting the dying 00:27:19 Coming upon a dead body 00:32:39…
Compassion, New Thinking Allowed, Oneness, Out-of-Body Experience, Parapsychology, Peace, Spirituality
Spirituality and Out-of-Body Experience
Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? Here’s a great conversation I had with Graham Nicholls on New Thinking Allowed. Graham describes the out-of-body (OBE) as an immersive psychic experience that includes sensations of floating and movement beyond the physical body. OBEs can occur during deep relaxation, exhaustion, sleep, and near-death experiences. A person can directly experience their spirit, inner peace, compassion, and oneness with everything. OBEs may assist to diminish the fear of death. He shares his art installations, technology, and suggestions on how to induce an OBE. Graham Nicholls has 35 years’ experience having out-of-body experiences and researching them. He has participated in research at the Rhine Research…
Psychopathologizing Psychic Phenomena
We all have them, but don’t always feel comfortable talking about them for fear of judgment. This is an enlightening conversation for those who are concerned about sharing psychic, intuitive, or paranormal experiences. Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviewed Dr. Paul J. Leslie about Psychopathologizing Psychic Phenomena on New Thinking Allowed. Dr. Paul J. Leslie shares that the norm may be that most people, including mental health practitioners, have psychic and paranormal experiences. However, people often don’t share their experiences for fear of being thought of as crazy or diagnosed with a mental health disorder. He differentiates between what may be a psychic experience or a pathology. If the experience is comforting…
“Science, Magic, and Intuition” Interview with Dean Radin, PhD
I interviewed Dean Radin, PhD about “Science, Magic, and Intuition.” We had an insightful and informative conversation. Watch the full interview here: Dean Radin, PhD is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Associated Distinguished Professor of Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He earned an MS in electrical engineering and a PhD in psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Before joining the research staff at IONS in 2001, he held appointments at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI International. He is author or coauthor of hundreds of technical and popular articles, four dozen book chapters, and four…