How Love and Compassion Expand Psychic and Intuitive Abilities
It is a joy to have coauthored the opening editorial in the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, Issue 8, with Jeffrey Mishlove, “Love and Compassion: Expanding Intuition and Psychic Abilities.” Read the full article, that is included here, to learn how it can improve your life. You can download a free PDF version or order a print copy via the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website: https://www.newthinkingallowed.org/new-thinking-allowed…/ or directly from MagCloud: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2982963 Watch New Thinking Allowed on YouTube. Read Full Article Here:
Ask Us Anything Livestream with Emmy Vadnais and Jeffrey Mishlove
You are invited to join us on Sunday, December 15, at Noon (Mountain Time), (11 am PT / 1:00 pm CT), for a Live Stream Event with Jeffrey Mishlove and Emmy Vadnais on the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel. This will be an “Ask Us Anything” session. Come with your toughest and most pressing questions – particularly about consciousness, spirituality, and the paranormal. The event will run for about ninety minutes. The URL for this event is https://youtube.com/live/s1C8obg77H0. You may wish to log in early in order to post your questions right away. We will start the 10-minute countdown clock at 11:50 am (USA Mountain Time). If you log into this URL early,…
Angels, Divine, Happiness, Intuition, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Near-Death Experience, New Thinking Allowed, Psychiatry, Psychic, Psychology, Spirituality
Psychiatrist De-Stigmatizes the Paranormal with Manuel Matas (1945 – 2022)
Dr. Manuel Matas, MD, was a clinical psychiatrist with forty years of experience in university teaching hospitals and private practice. He was a portrait artist, photographer, and public speaker. He has worked in a variety of settings, including the Scarborough Board of Education, the University of Toronto, and the University of Manitoba teaching hospitals, including St. Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg. He has served on the Board and the Scientific Council of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. He has many published articles in peer-reviewed psychiatric journals and has given presentations at national psychiatric conferences. He is author of The Borders of Normal: A Psychiatrist De-Stigmatizes the Paranormal, that was a Whistler Independent…
Grounding and Relaxing Meditation
In this grounding meditation with CoHost of New Thinking Allowed, Emmy Vadnais, you can more deeply and calmly connect with your own body and the earth. Grounding to the earth may help your body, mind, and spirit function more smoothly, efficiently, and effortlessly. It may help heal or prevent illness or disease when engaged in regularly. Images in the video are from Emmy’s garden.
Emmy Vadnais and Jeffrey Mishlove Livestream
On Sunday, June 25, at Noon, USA Mountain Standard Time, the New Thinking Allowed Live Stream Event will feature a panel discussion with both Jeffrey Mishlove and NTA CoHost Emmy Vadnais. And, as with all of our Live Stream Events, we look forward to fielding questions posted by viewers in the chat window. The URL for this event is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYWz0o9GKmY. You may wish to log in early in order to post your questions right away. We will start the 10-minute countdown clock at 11:50 am (USA Mountain Standard Time). If you log into this URL early, you can set a reminder and will be notified when we go live (but, make sure…
Healing Light Meditation
In the Healing Light Meditation, CoHost of New Thinking Allowed, Emmy Vadnais guides you to connect to light to assist with healing in any area of your life. This light may also represent your intuition, spirituality, creativity, joy, or peace.