How Love and Compassion Expand Psychic and Intuitive Abilities
It is a joy to have coauthored the opening editorial in the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, Issue 8, with Jeffrey Mishlove, “Love and Compassion: Expanding Intuition and Psychic Abilities.” Read the full article, that is included here, to learn how it can improve your life. You can download a free PDF version or order a print copy via the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website: https://www.newthinkingallowed.org/new-thinking-allowed…/ or directly from MagCloud: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2982963 Watch New Thinking Allowed on YouTube. Read Full Article Here:
Embrace Your Inner Sun and Shine Brightly
🌞🌻 As we celebrate the longest day of the year, let’s reflect on how we are shining like the sun in our own lives. What are some ways you are radiating with positivity and growth? I wish you a very happy summer solstice! Today is the longest day of the year here in North America. We’ve got the summer beginning with the sun shining the most with the longest amount of daylight today, and I want to ask you: How are you shining like the sun in your own life? In what ways are you feeling energized, joyful, loving, or have you been feeling zapped of your own energy? What…
Astrology, Beauty, Inner Knowing, Inner Wisdom, Intuition, Intuitive Connections, Money, Pleasure, Value
Connect to Yourself with the Full Moon
Full Moon in Libra We are in the midst of experiencing the Full Moon in Libra that was exact on March 25. Libra is about relationships and balance. It is related to justice and equanimity. This is an air sign connected to mental functions. It is ruled by the planet Venus, that corresponds to love, beauty, value, pleasure, and money. The full moon gives us a deep sense of inner reflection within the innermost sense of ourselves that illuminate the subconscious and what is typically hidden about the sign it is in and where it lights up your own personal aspects in your astrological birth chart. You may ponder: Where…
Coaching, Community, Compassion, Confidence, Intuition, Intuitive Coaching, Intuitive Connections, Love, Magic, Manifestation, Meaning and Purpose, Meditation, Self Care
Intuitive Group Coaching
You are invited to today’s Intuitive Group Coaching with Q & A session. This is the first group coaching for my new Intuitive Connections community. In this transformative experience, I will be your guide, assisting you in discovering clarity, relieving stress, and cultivating a sense of calm amidst life’s challenges.Together, we will delve into your intuition for answers to your questions, unraveling the path to a deeper understanding of your life. Embrace this opportunity to live with more meaning and purpose. Intuitive Group Coaching February 28 on Zoom4:30 PT / 6:30 CT / 7:30 p.m. ET90 minutes Bring your questions related to accessing and trusting your intuition. Bring intuitive cards (made by…
Your Heart Wisdom
Intuition may come from the heart. Heart as the Source of Love Throughout history, ancient societies, philosophers, poets, and prophets have regarded the heart as the source of love, wisdom, intuition, the soul, and positive emotions. The Egyptians believed that the heart was connected to spiritual dimensions. After death, the heart was weighed to see how much good and evil it contained, and it was put in special urns for burial, and the brain was discarded. Thus, there is a disparity between what ancient traditions believed and modern predominant science’s teaching that the heart solely provides a physical function. Heart Iconography Images of the heart can be seen in religious…
Compassion, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Heart, Higher Self, Intuition, JOy, Meditation, Meditations for You!, New Thinking Allowed, Oneness
Expanded Heart Meditation
In the Expanded Heart Meditation, you are guided by Emmy Vadnais to connect with your heart and feel love, gratitude, joy, compassion, and forgiveness for yourself and the whole universe.