• Meditations for You!


    Relationships are what connect us within and to the world. They can be challenging and rewarding. Are you looking for better relationships with yourself and others? Listen to these Free Guided Meditations for Better Relationships Wednesdays in March 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. CST  here. These meditations are geared toward assisting you to strengthen your relationship with yourself, others, and your spiritual support. Can’t make it at this time? Not a problem. I will keep archived broadcasts at the same channel for you to enjoy on your own time. Listen to a recording on your own schedule after the broadcast has been aired. See you there!

  • Touch Therapy

    Beyond Bodywork

    Frequently I have been asked, “Emmy, why did you stop offering full body massages?” So, I thought I’d put some thoughts down to share my response to why I deepened my healing practice from full body massages. First I’d like to share why I began providing massage therapy. You may know that I am an occupational therapist. Occupational therapists assist individuals to be as functionally independent as possible with physical activities, and cognitive and psycho-social abilities in all areas of their lives. We work closely on a team with physical therapists, speech therapists, doctors, nurses and other professionals. I chose this profession so I could be a coach and cheer…

  • Meditations for You!,  Relaxation & Meditation

    Letting Go of Stress

    Hi, all! This December I am offering a FREE “Let Go of Stress: Guided Relaxation & Meditation” live broadcast December 1, 8, 15 & 22 6:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. CST at  http://www.ustream.tv/channel/healing-connections. This may help you relieve tension in your body, and take a mental break from the world. It may help you to have a stronger immune system as stress can weaken us making us more susceptible to dis-harmony & dis-ease, an improved mood and outlook on life, giving you a fresh perspective, and more peace of mind. This may help you to be a kinder and happier person to yourself and others. You should be able to…

  • Spirit in Music

    Spirit in Music

    My friend and amazing pianist, Steven C Anderson, just released an originally composed and divinely channeled CD all about Spirit! The track titles and inspirational messages they convey are just as beautiful as the music itself. Some of the titles are “Knowing”, “Be Here Now”, “Letting Go”, and “Interconnected.” Here’s what Steven C has to say: “I went deep –  read a lot of books, reflected on life A-Z  and found new inspiration from simple everyday life!  The result…  Spiritual Piano was recorded live with a small “intenders” group.  I explained the inspiration and message of each song prior to recording. Click here to read what inspired each song. The…

  • Intuition

    How do I Listen to My Intuition?

    Intuition – we’ve heard the word, and know that it something that is a part of us. Most of us have had the experience of ‘knowing’ something was about to happen, or that something, someone, or some situation didn’t feel right or felt good. But, how do we listen to it? What exactly is it? Intuition is our sixth sense that may be sensed through all of our other five senses. It is our Heart, our Soul, or our Spiritual Connection directly speaking to us. It is there to protect us from harm and connect us with joy. It is beyond our rational, linear, judging mind. It can come to…

  • Mind-Body Connection

    The BodyMind

    More and more I am seeing mounting evidence that the body and the mind or one. From the research in Patt Lind-Kyle’s book “Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain”, to Candace Pert’s books “Molecules of Emotion” and “Everything You Need to Feel Go(o)d”, to the work from Richard J. Davidson and his team at UW Madison (to name a few), research is demonstrating that we have more power than we thought (pun intended!) to have lasting positive impacts on ourselves. In fact, it seems that our minds and our bodies are in separable. So much so that Candace Pert uses the term “bodymind” to describe that they are one. Dr.…