The Science of Happiness
There are many factors that can contribute to one’s happiness. It’s not my intent here try to list all of these, but to highlight some areas that may give you some ways to heighten your ‘happiness.’ In this post I am drawing from information that was presented by Richard Fine, Ph. D. during a webinar I attended called The Science of Happiness. It was a wonderful presentation filled with current (2008) scientifically researched information on how and why people feel happy. An interesting point he made is that happiness is more of a fleeting feeling and that joy or peace more accurately reflect what people mean when they describe themselves as happy. Therefore, the goal would be to feel more overall peace and…
What a big word! What does it mean? Let’s break it down. Psych – having to do with the mind, thoughts, emotions, feelings, and behavior, neuro – having to do with our nervous system that is electric and intricate busy sending and receiving signals, assisting all functions of the body while helping us sense and interact with the world, immuno – our immune system, our ability or lack there of to resist illness and maintain health, ology – the study of. So, if we put it all together, Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of how our thoughts, feelings, emotions and behavior affect our nervous and immune systems and vice versa. Pretty cool. This is the mind-body connection. Candace Pert, Ph. D. in…
I recently came across this site that will help you create what you would like in your life http://www.intenders.com/ I have to say that I feel these folks are the real deal of showing you how to manifest your dreams. You can sign up on The Intenders Bridge and receive daily steps for the Intention process for 44 days like I did. I will be working on these steps over the next few months.
Manifesting what we Want
Manifestation Here we are, at the beginning of a new year. A time when many of us make resolutions or intentions of what we would like to manifest in our lives. I believe it is true that, for the most part, we can achieve whatever we put our minds to. However, some people have great difficulty manifesting their goals, while others seem to reach them with little effort. I’m sure there are many reasons why, but one reason may be that what we want to achieve is a way to avoid our past hurts, and by not dealing with them directly, they continue to manifest despite our best efforts. I think John Ruskan…
Is Laughter the Best Medicine?
Life can get serious and stressful at times. Sometimes we need to turn that frown upside down and laugh! We are in the midst of the Holiday Season. A time that can be a filled with feelings of pressure and stress mixed with joy and connection with others. Laughter can make us feel good. It is fun to play. Laughter can melt away stress and worry. It helps us detach from negative emotions and feelings. Biochemical changes occur within and around our bodies, and then we feel relaxed and uplifted. Laughter help us to feel good, AND it has can help us recover from an illness or maintain health. Norman Cousins,…
A Balance of Finding Peace & Happiness While Releasing Pain & Suffering
We are all motivated by pleasure while we avoid pain. We often look for outer fulfillment to make us feel happy and good. We are told to be positive and put a smile on our face. Everyone wants to be happy. Stress, worry and other unpleasant feelings can take a toll on our mental health and physical health. Healthy People 2000, a report from the US Department of Health and Human Services, has estimated that 70-80% of all visits to the doctor are for stress-related or stress-induced illnesses. More and more we are discovering how the mind and body are profoundly connected. Stress and negative emotions send a flood of internal biochemical changes that…