Stressed? Try Guided Imagery
Stress is the culprit of much, if not all, of what ails us. Stress can lead to all sorts of problems including physical illness, relationship problems, and addictive behavior, just to name a few. That is why it is important to engage in healthy relaxing activities.
Guided Imagery is a form of meditation that can assist with relaxation, counteract negative moods, and damaging biochemicals that cause physical, mental, and emotional illness. It can assist you to make good choices, lower pain and anxiety, release unwanted habits, overcome obstacles, assist with sleep, improve confidence and performance, and have a stronger Spiritual connection. It allows you to tap in to your inner peace, wisdom and intuition so you may realize your goals.
What is unique about Guided Imagery is that all of your senses are engaged while using your imagination. This helps the physiology; how your mind and body are functioning, and your biochemistry to shift in to a more balanced and harmonious state.
Here is a simple Guided Imagery exercise you can practice on your own:
First Begin with focusing on your breath and doing a progressive body relaxation.
Now, let yourself go to a Special Place!
Emmy Vadnais is certified in Guided Imagery. She is available for private one to one sessions, tutoring, and classes. Contact her at 651-292-9938 or [email protected].