Consciousness, Holistic Health, Intuition, Intuitive Development, Meditation, Relaxation & Meditation, Spirituality, Wellness
Number One Tip to Access Intuition
Emmy Vadnais shares her number tip to access intuition. Meditation and relaxation tips may be the best way to access your inner knowing. Visit her YouTube channel and the Intuitive Development and Meditations playlists.
Consciousness, Dark Matter, Heaven and Earth, Medium, New Thinking Allowed, Philosophy, Spirituality, Veil
Unveiling Hidden Realities
Christopher Noël suggests that invisible dark matter, often considered to be empty space, may be spiritual matter or consciousness that blends with what is perceived as physical or ordinary matter. Christopher Noël holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy from Yale University and a Master’s in Fine Arts from Vermont College of Fine Arts where he taught writing for 20 years. He also researches the phenomenon of Sasquatch. He is the author of In the Unlikely Event of a Water Landing: A Geography of Grief, Sasquatch and Autism: Twelve Parallels, MindSpeak: Tapping into Sasquatch and Science, and There is No Veil: At Play in the Vast Here and Now. His website…
Meditation, Neuroscience, New Thinking Allowed, Parapsychology, Psi, Psychedelics, Psycho-Spiritual Evolution, Science, Spirituality
Science and Spirituality
Mona shares her transformation from being a diehard scientific materialist to an open-minded spiritual seeker and suggests collaboration among all scientific fields to help understand the nature of reality. Mona Sobhani, PhD, is a cognitive neuroscientist who is a former research scientist at the University of Southern California and is the co-founder of Exploring Consciousness, a community of curious scientists who are seeking to understand consciousness and spirituality. She is the author of Proof of Spiritual Phenomena: A Neuroscientist’s Discovery of the Ineffable Mysteries of the Universe. She writes about the psychedelic renaissance, altered states of consciousness, and the transpersonal In the Brave New World of Psychedelic Science on Substack.…
Resilience in Dangerous Times
Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker, PhD, offer ways to navigate the “dark night of globe” with sacred activism that is a marriage of the mystic’s passion for God and the activist’s passion for justice that can birth a new divine human race. Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker, PhD, are coauthors of Radical Regeneration: Sacred Activism and the Renewal of the World. Andrew Harvey is the founder and director of the Institute for Sacred Activism. He is a religious and mystical scholar, Rumi translator, and spiritual teacher. He is author of more than 30 books, including The Way of Passion: A Celebration of Rumi, The Direct Path: Creating A Personal Journey…
Book, Gift, Happiness, Healing, Heart, Intuition, Intuitive Development, Love, Meditation, Spirituality, Trust
Trust Your Intuition
Are you looking for gift ideas – for yourself or a loved one? New price drop on my book, “Intuitive Development.” Visit my Book page to order yours. Available in print copy, ebook, and audiobook. Do you already have a copy? How is it helping you? It’s been getting positive reviews! Watch for new intuition and meditation classes in 2023.
Angels, Consciousness, Heart, Higher Self, Intuition, Love, Near-Death Experience, New Thinking Allowed, Precognition, Spirituality
Talking to Angels
Do you believe in angels? Many people do. If you’re looking for living proof of angels, pre-cognition, intuition, and that our spirits are much larger than we may think, you will immensely enjoy this conversation with Lorna Byrne. She’s been seeing angels, who have been sharing information with her, since before she could speak. Lorna Byrne is a spiritual teacher, international bestselling author, and philanthropist. Her books have been published in more than 50 countries. Lorna has been seeing angels since she was a baby. She sees angels, physically, with as much clarity as the rest of us see people. She is author of seven books, including A Message of…