How Does Your Intuition Speak to You?
We all have intuitive abilities, and we each have a unique way of perceiving intuition. Knowing the natural ways that you intuit will build your confidence and trust when you are listening to intuition’s wisdom. Once you have an idea of what senses are most often engaged when listening to your intuition, you will be better able to recognize it. Then, you can strengthen these senses and learn to increase your ability with additional senses. All or some of your senses may be utilized when receiving intuitive impressions: vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, emotions, and/or feelings or a felt sense in the body known as interoception. You may also experience…
Spreading Light – Spring 2018
It has been a full beginning of the year providing complementary and integrative health care, teaching classes to health care professionals, recording classes, guest lecturing, and writing books. Here’s the summary: Recorded Classes: I took my three-hour classes and recorded them, making them available as a download anytime. Please check them out at the links below or share with those who you think might be interested. Aromatherapy Intro Meditation for Health Care Professionals Holistic Practice Class Guest Lecture: In March, I guest lectured to Masters in Occupational Therapy students at Ithaca College in New York about how they can use complementary and integrative health in OT practice. They were full…