• Education,  Holistic Health,  Prevention

    Holistic Education Fall 2015

    Expand your Holistic Tool Kit. Professional Development. Self Care.  I will be teaching several Holistic/Integrative health care classes this Fall. These classes are available to all health care practitioners and anyone who would like to learn more about how Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine, Prevention & Wellness can enhance the lives of those they help, their own self care, and those they love. Massage Therapy Intro – Sept. 11 Holistic Healing Certificate Program – Begins Sept. 19 Power of the Mind in Healing: How Meditation, Relaxation, Spirituality & Intuition Can Enhance Health & Healing – Sept. 19 Reflexology Intro – Sept. 25 Guided Imagery Level I: Imagery & Healing – Begins Sept. 30 EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique…

  • Blogging OT Month
    Holistic Health,  Holistic Occupational Therapy

    I Blogged All Month in April for OT Month!

    Throughout the entire month of April I intended to blog every day for OT Month. I did this for two reasons. I wanted to continue to raise awareness about the wonderful world of Holistic OT, and to challenge myself to share interesting, relevant, and valuable information with OTs and those seeking Holistic OT services. All of the blog posts are on the HolisticOT.org website. You can read my summary of “What I Learned Blogging in April for OT Month.” Each piece was written for health care professionals and OTs to strengthen their understanding of Holistic Health Care, and for anyone looking for tips and suggestions on how to stay well or…

  • Holistic Occupational Therapy

    Holistic OT is Going Strong!

    It has been 4 years since I first wrote about what I believe Holistic OT is and can be. Since then, I have had the good fortune of meeting and connecting with many OTs around the world who are embracing Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine, Prevention and Wellness in OT practice. When I wrote that first post I had no idea how quickly this would all get embraced. I now fully believe that holistic and integrative health care is here to stay. Dedicated professionals who know there are more and sometimes better ways to help their clients are the one of the reasons that holistic care will continue to grow and expand. There are…